Level 2 Math
Option 1
Option 2
When you upgrade to our bundle, you will receive every Level 2 curriculum that we offer at a 10% discount. It includes:
- Level 2 Reading
- Level 2 Math
- Level 2 Cursive
No matter the order size, you will always receive free shipping.
You can view every page found in both student workbook and instruction manual by downloading the PDF files above.

1. Level 1 Review
2. Numbers
- 0-1000
- Sequencing
- Even & Odd
- Place Values (1's, 10's, & 100's)
- Standard, Expanded, and Word Forms
- Greater Than, Less Than, & Equal To
3. Addition & Subtraction
- 3 Digits
- Vertical & Horizontal
- Story Problems
- Carrying & Borrowing
4. Multiplication
- 0-5 Facts
5. Time
- Minute Intervals
- A.M. & P.M.
6. Money
- Under $10
7. Graphing
- Picture Graphs
- Bar Graphs
- Line Plots
8. Measurements
- Inches
Workbook Details
Level 2 Math
Option 1: Free PDF download
Option 2: Loose leaf-workbook
- 60# paper
- Hole punched
- Shrink wrapped
- Free shipping (USPS)
Pages: 73
Completely scripted
Pages: 205
Days: 103
Lessons: ~15 minutes
Option 1: Free PDF download
- Download files
- Print files
- Hole punch pages
- Place pages inside a 3-ring binder
Option 2: Loose leaf-workbook
- Remove workbook from its packaging
- Place pages inside a 3-ring binder
Sylladot was developed to work for all students. Our multisensory approach helps children with learning disabilities such as autism, dyslexia, and attention-deficit disorder.
It takes about 100 days to complete each level. You can easily finish 2 or 3 levels in a given year. Acceleration should be used to catch up rather than to get ahead.